Insight Flash: New Subscriber Spike and Streaming Services Market Share Analysis

On May 23, 2023, Netflix began cracking down on users sharing their logins to those outside of their immediate household. CE data has shown a rise in new Netflix subscribers since the crackdown.

Looking at the Market Share of legacy Netflix subscribers (individuals who made at least one Netflix transaction prior to May 23) vs. new Netflix subscribers (individuals who made zero transactions prior to May 23 and at least one transaction following the password crackdown) it appears legacy Netflix subscribers are more loyal to the Disney bundle of Hulu, Disney+, and ESPN+ and new Netflix subscribers are more likely to try newer streaming services like Peacock TV.

Legacy Netflix subscriber = had at least one Netflix transaction prior to May 23, 2023
New Netflix subscriber = had zero transactions at Netflix prior to May 23, 2023 and had at least one transaction post May 23, 2023

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Katherine Bjorkman is the Director of Insights for the CEIC. Explore more of her insights here and follow her on LinkedIn.