Discover unparalleled consumer spending insights with CE Vision

Comprehensive competitor performance and consumer spending data beyond your own business

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Discover market and shopper intelligence


Competitive Research

Analyze data to benchmark, understand top competitors, assess business performance, mitigate risks, and discover new growth opportunities.


Market Shifts & Trends

Track market changes and trends with consumer data that spans across five continents, covering over 14,000 merchants, 1,500 tickers, and 93 million cards.


Customer Loyalty & Retention

Understand customer lifetime value, loyalty, and retention. Break down shoppers by channel whether online, brick & mortar, or 3rd party sales.


Cross-Shopping & Demographics

Perform complex cohort analyses enabling access to cross-shopping trends, demographic and geographic drivers of growth, and customer retention.

Use CE Vision to supercharge your strategy

  • Global Industry 100: Nutrition Rankings

    This subindustry’s landscape is one where regulation makes it difficult for companies to operate cross-border.

    What these companies lack in geographic diversity, they make up for in product diversity.


  • Marketing, Advertising, & Media

    • Determine if changes in spending behavior are due to structural market shifts or specific factors

    • Assess the balance between eCommerce and brick & mortar spending and its implications for your business and industry

  • Strategy & Corporate Development

    • Make informed choices on store openings and expansions based on accurate consumer spending data

    • Seamlessly integrate our robust data feed with your internal systems for efficient decision-making

  • Investor Relations

    • Access the same performance data as your shareholders and public investors ahead of earnings season

    • Confidently address investor inquiries with comprehensive context on your company’s performance and competition


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Five Ways Customer Insights Teams Can Turn Demographic Data from Interesting to Actionable

In this white paper, we’ll use Consumer Edge data to illustrate five ways you can transform demographic data from interesting to actionable.

  • Make sure demographics are direct, not inferred
  • Beware of unadjusted biases
  • Always dig a layer deeper
  • Keep the big picture in mind
  • Go beyond demographic data when you can


Consumer Edge State of the Global Consumer Report 2023 Q2

Based on our CE Transact Global dataset, this report examines payment account spend in the US, UK, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, and Austria. Now you can look back at 2023 Q2 to uncover trends and opportunities by country, subindustry, channel, region, and demographics.

  • Where is spend is still growing strong in subindustries benefitting from pent-up demand in a post-COVID world
  • How is health and wellness spend expanding
  • How are higher prices driving macro spending trends