Consumer Edge Insight Center

As the leader in global consumer transaction data, our Consumer Edge Insight Center (CEIC) understands market trends and nuances and applies their industry expertise to provide you with innovative research and actionable reports to propel your growth.

Insight Flashes

The CEIC publishes flash reports triggered by industry shifts, topical consumer behavior, and economic data. Whether a company is pre-IPO or our data uncovers unexpected growth opportunities, Consumer Edge subscribers hear it first.

Market Hits

When Consumer Edge data has precision correlation to company-reported KPIs, you want to know. The CEIC has a pulse on the story our data tells, which tickers to keep an eye on, and how to make the data work for you.

White Papers

Explore curated white papers and reports created by the CEIC’s industry experts in collaboration with other Consumer Edge team members, leveraging the quality and accuracy of our leading consumer transaction datasets.

Insight Deep Dives

Insight Deep Dives take a more in-depth look at a specific industry, company, or geography and use Consumer Edge data to provide analysis into what’s happening, why or how it happened, and what opportunities can be extracted from the data to fuel your business strategy.

Bootstrap Themes


Meet the CEIC’s seasoned industry experts and analysts.


Michael Gunther

VP of Insights


Stacie Rabinowitz

VP of Product Research


Katherine Bjorkman

Director of Insights


Catherine Atterbury

Global General Counsel


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