Consumer Edge Research
Sep 14, 2017

Consumer Edge Research LLC (CER), today announced a strategic partnership with Prosper Insights & Analytics™ (Prosper). Prosper provides unique, syndicated datasets of the US and Chinese consumer with highly accurate “forward-looking” insights and analytics that improve forecasting on both macro-economic and company specific trends. Prosper has held the longest ongoing conversation with consumers over the past fifteen years conducted monthly and free of bot fraud, noise, dirty data, and assumptions. The data is currently used by several leading industry associations, major corporations and frequently referenced in key media services. Prosper’s data was recently cited as a top 25 source for big data and business intelligence by CIO Applications.

Bill Pecoriello, Founder and CEO of CER, commented, “We are thrilled to announce this partnership with Prosper to bring these extremely unique, high quality and predictive data sets to our financial services clients. Much of ‘Big Data’ falls short in the realm of future plans or purchase intentions and what motivates consumers.  Many of the data sources CER is rolling out on its platform could be holistically enhanced when integrated with the real human data variables in Prosper’s data sets. “ Prosper offers three unique data assets that include over two million respondents, fifteen years of U.S. and eight years of China data. These databases can be fused with other datasets to create insights that were previously unknown, Prosper’s data assets include: 1. Monthly U.S. Consumer Survey – Over 7,000 US 18+ respondents tracking consumer sentiment, shopping behavior, future purchase intentions and more. Over 290 public companies tracked by the survey. In addition, over 1200 brands tracked (~700 public, 500 private). 2. Annual Media Behaviors and Influence Study – 20,000 US 18+ respondents monitoring how consumers are using and being influenced by over 30 different media channels including mobile, traditional and digital. 3. ProsperChina Quarterly Survey – Largest, continuous online consumer and media behavior survey in China. Conducted among Chinese consumers ages 18-54 covering everything from economic sentiment and shopping behavior to purchase influence and media usage. Over 40 Chinese companies and over 80 non-Chinese companies tracked. “Even highly valued transaction data is still backward looking,” said Gary Drenik, Prosper CEO. “Our relationship with CER is intended to bridge the gap between big data short comings and real human insight to enable new predictive analytics for the financial services industry.” Prosper will be available on the CER Data Portal and comes shortly after the announcement of several additional CER data offerings. To learn more contact your CER Sales Representative.